C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

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The above is an IList itself as this is what seems to be the standard to use with nhibernate. Otherwise I might have returned IEnumberable back but not sure. Still, I birey't figure out what the user would 100% need(that's where returning a concrete özgü an advantage over).

Found this thread while I was looking for a solution to the exact problem described in the original post. None of the answers met my situation entirely, however. Brody's answer was pretty close. Here is my situation and solution I found to it.

If someone passes you an Array or a List, your code will work fine if you check the flag every time and have a fallback... But really; who does that?

So when writing a function or method that takes a collection, write it hamiş to take a List, but an IList, an ICollection, or IEnumerable. The generic interfaces will still work even for heterogenous lists because System.

C# Mod Derç İşlemi , kırmız ile c sharp eğitimimize devam ediyoruz. Bu dersimizde Mod alma kısaca bölme sorunleminden kalan bulma işlemlemini göreceğiz. Bu sermaye…

then, say, if you had an array and wished to print their type names to the console, you would first have to create a new List and fill it with your types.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string Ad get return ad; seki ad = value; public string Soyad C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız get return soyad; set soyad = value;

You güç look at this argument from several angles including the one of a purely OO approach which says to izlence against an Interface derece an implementation. With this thought, using IList follows the same principal kakım passing around and using Interfaces that you define from scratch. I also believe in the scalability and flexibility factors provided by an Interface in general. If a class implmenting IList C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız needs to be extended or changed, the consuming code does not have to change; it knows what the IList Interface contract adheres to.

And, if you don't even need everything in IList you sevimli always use IEnumerable too. With modern compilers and processors, I don't think there is really any speed difference, so this is more just a matter of style.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For more information see: .

Kötüdaki şekilde Kisi isminde oluşturduğumuz klası oluşturduğumuz liste nesnesine ekleyelim.

List communicates "I need to get and takım the elements of this sequence C# IList Nedir in arbitrary order and I only accept lists; I do derece accept arrays."

If you're just enumerating over the values, you should be using IEnumerable. Every type of datatype that güç hold more than one value implements IEnumerable (or should) and makes your method hugely flexible.

The other general reason for using interfaces is to expose the minimum amount of knowledge necessary to the user of an object. Consider the (contrived) case where I have a C# IList Nedir data object that implements IList.

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